Two Easy Pieces

I really wanted to call this post Five Easy Pieces, but I'm not Jack Nicholson and I only had two simple SKiDL designs to show. So here they are.

LED Clock

DougE recently posted a script that will layout a clock face with 60 LEDs for the minute markers and …

Don't Replicate, Automate!

I used to work during summers for a bricklayer. I learned one thing there: air conditioning is pretty good stuff. (We should do more of it.)

Some people think bricklaying would be a great job, kind of like playing Tetris all day, except with real blocks. But here's what the …

A Taste of Hierarchy

In my previous blog posts, the SKiDL circuit descriptions were flat. In this post, I'll show a bit of how to describe a circuit hierarchically.

Hierarchy is typically used when there is some subcircuit that needs to be replicated several times or which can serve as a module in several …

Names, Not Numbers

In my previous post, I showed how to use SKiDL to describe the circuit for a simple USB-to-JTAG interface circuit. That circuit used a PIC32MX microcontroller in a 28-pin SSOP package:

PIC32MX in a 28-pin SSOP package.

and the corresponding SKiDL code was:

pic32 = Part(pic32_lib, 'pic32MX2\*0F\*\*\*B-SSOP28-SOIC28-SPDIP28',

I …

Building a USB-to-JTAG Interface Using SKiDL

This post describes using SKiDL for a USB-to-JTAG interface that was taken all the way from concept to physically building a device.

Assembled USB-to-JTAG board.

The interface is pretty simple. It's built from the following stuff:

  • A PIC32MX220 microcontroller.
  • A 12 MHz crystal.
  • Some reset circuitry.
  • A six-pin Microchip programming header (for the …