Introductory Interrupts
Introductory Interrupts My previous blog post showed how I used polling to get the state of the PYNQ’s pushbuttons and display them on the LEDs. That’s a great way to burn through CPU cycles. Anyone who’s programmed embedded microcontrollers knows...
Ripping the Lid Off
The obvious place to start exploring PYNQ is to play with its buttons and LEDs. There’s already a notebook for that so there’s no need for me to replicate it. A more interesting question is what’s going on underneath? So...
Reading the Docs
After installing my PYNQ board, I took a break to release an update to my SKiDL circuit design language. These things always take longer than you expect, but I’m back now and my next task is to familiarize myself with...
PYNQ Setup
Every blog like this starts off with a post about setting up the equipment. This is that post. Basically, I’m following the instructions given here. I won’t be saying anything new unless I manage to screw up. Every blog post...