About Tang Nano User

I’ve worked with FPGAs since the ’80s, but nothing with the low price of the Tang Nano. I think this board will open the use of FPGAs to a much wider audience, and I hope this site makes their journey a little easier.

I don’t intend this as a generic tutorial on what FPGAs are and how to use them: there are plenty of those. Rather, I’m interested in doing specific projects with the Tang Nano board which others can grab and modify for their own uses.

My thanks to GOWIN Semiconductor for making their low-cost FPGAs, and Sipeed for producing an equally inexpensive development board. Their actions led to the creation of this site, but all the content is mine.

Who Am I?

I’m Dave Vanden Bout. You can reach me at tang_nano_user@xess.com or on Twitter (@devbisme or @xesscorp).