Well, two months after my first release comes the second. This one adds an R-2R DAC and an adjustable voltage regulator.
Not much, you say? I agree. But other things were happening. While doing the R-2R DAC, I discovered a problem with how SKiDL handled interfaces. (That's one of the reasons I started circuitsascode: to help me test and debug SKiDL.) Correcting that bug caused another problem to appear with packages and I had to fix that. If that wasn't enough, I decided to move the SKiDL blog from the Jekyll static-site generator to Pelican and then finally get the Sphinx documentation properly formatted.
In addition, I re-wrote the new and existing circuit modules to make it easier for a user to modify the circuits that get generated. I'll discuss how circuitsascode modules are structured in a separate post.
So not a lot appears to have happened, but progress continues under the surface.