Circuits as Code¶
This is a collection of pre-built circuits written as scripts in SKiDL.
SKiDL lets you create electronic circuits by writing Python scripts instead of using a schematic editor.
The circuitsascode
auxiliary Python package gives you a library of ready-made electronic circuits that serves several purposes:
It provides a set of lower-level modules that you can integrate within your own designs.
It shows you examples of how to write SKiDL code.
Just import the library to use a circuit module:
# Import the function that creates a VGA display interface.
from circuitsascode.displays.vga import vga
# Create color and sync signals to connect to the VGA interface.
red, grn, blu = Bus(5), Bus(4), Bus(3)
hsync, vsync, gnd = Net(), Net(), Net()
# Create a VGA interface circuit customized for the widths
# of the RGB buses.
vga1 = vga(rgb=(len(red), len(grn), len(blu)))
# Connect the signals to the VGA interface circuit. += red
vga1.grn += grn
vga1.blu += blu
vga1.hsync += hsync
vga1.vsync += vsync
vga1.gnd += gnd